Living a Small Life | Week 4 | We Need People Pouring In

Living a Small Life | Week 4 | We Need People Pouring In


Hebrews 13:7 says “Remember your leaders who taught you the word of God. Think of all the good that has come from their lives, and follow the example of their faith.”

Who comes to mind here? It could be your Forge leaders, Students staff, an older adult who has gone out of their way to invest in you, or maybe it’s an older peer. Who in your life is investing time and energy to mentor you and pour into your life on a spiritual level?

In 1 Peter 5, Peter addresses a group of elders in the church as well as those who are younger and under their care. Within the church, God has appointed leaders as teachers and guides. There are certain roles in place for leadership, but not everyone who is a leader has an actual title. For example, your Forge leader most likely is not on staff at the church, but they still play an important role as a leader in your life. Peter explains that leadership is not to be taken lightly—it is a very serious role to play in the church.

In the same way, we should think about our role in being under the care of our leaders. To do so, we must humble ourselves and admit that we do not always know best. Often, our pride will deceive us into thinking that we do not need the care and instruction of others. The world tells us that we should just ignore or even shun anyone who disagrees with us. God’s Word, however, instructs us to submit to authority, be willing to listen to those that are older and wiser, and find people who will lead by example. Our willingness to have people pouring into us spiritually reflects how committed we are to being a part of God’s family.

Coming under leadership is not an easy thing to do. We do not like it when people speak hard truths to us. It is hard to listen to someone call us out when we make sinful choices. Accountability is important, but it requires us to be humble and recognize our need for others. You cannot expect yourself to be a strong believer in isolation.

Read 1 Peter 5:1–11.

  • How does Peter describe the role of a leader?
  • What does Peter say the role of a younger Christian should look like?
  • In what ways do you struggle to submit to spiritual authority?