Living a Small Life | Week 3 | Life in Obscurity

Living a Small Life | Week 3 | Life in Obscurity


When you think of the word “obscurity,” what comes to mind? Grab a dictionary or google the word “obscurity.” What do you find?

If something is obscure, it is not clearly seen or distinguished. With that definition in mind, consider the way that you live on a daily basis. Do you ever feel like your life is obscure?

You may not realize it yet; however, our lives have so much obscurity in them. Most of our lives are not going to be in the spotlight. The reality is, life is not about us or what we can accomplish. We may have a dream or expectation that things will turn out a certain way but then something goes wrong and not according to plan and all of sudden we feel out of control and left feeling confused.

Have you felt like this before? How did things work out?

Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that there is a time and season for everything. There are specific moments when God allows you to experience different things—both good and challenging. What is important for us to remember is that God knows exactly what is going to happen, when it will happen, and how it will all play out. Even in uncertainty, believers are called to trust him in all situations. We all have to answer the question—am I going to trust myself, or can I trust God to be in control of every season of my life?

This week, we will look at three people in Scripture to help us understand how obscurity is a part of the life of a believer. These people show us what it looks like to follow and trust God on a daily basis as they continue to do the next thing in front of them. They had no idea what was in store for them; however, God used their unique circumstances to display his glory.

The challenge for us is to trust that God will shape our lives in his timing and according to his plan. We must learn what it looks like to be content and faithful in each moment given to us.

Read Ecclesiastes 3:1–8.

  • What does the author tell us about life in these verses?
  • What feels unclear or uncertain to you right now in your season of life?
  • Have you told anyone about what you’re feeling or thinking? If not, write down who you will talk with and when.
  • What still seems confusing to you about the idea of obscurity?