Living a Small Life | Week 2 | Work Was Given To Us As A Gift

Living a Small Life | Week 2 | Work Was Given To Us As A Gift


We’ve learned that God created work, declared it good, and that he’s given us specific work to do. We’ve seen that work can be difficult and requires a lot of time and attention. Today, we’ll look at work as a gift and start identifying what we are responsible for.

Ecclesiastes 3 says it is wise to enjoy what is in front of you—work, people, and your season. What is in front of you currently? Do you enjoy the life God has given you?

Think about your family, friends, small group, and extracurricular activities. God has given you opportunities to be in relationship with all of these people and use or gain skills in these activities. It takes work to cultivate those relationships and hone those skills so we can bless those around us.

School is also a type of work that can be used as a gift. Have you ever thought about school in this way? No matter where you attend school, you can build friendships with people around you whom you might not typically be friends with, invite them to church or Forge, or enjoy a meal with them. This is a type of relational work that benefits others through love and kindness. You may end up with a new friend too!

God calls us to provide for others through our work, ultimately blessing them. However, we can’t provide for others if we aren’t first providing for ourselves. Work involves more than making money. You can start learning how to work and be responsible for yourself from a young age. Even toddlers can learn to pick up their toys! These small tasks lead to cutting the grass, doing the dishes, babysitting, or having a part-time job while still in school.

How are you being responsible for yourself in this season? Are you doing your own laundry? If you drive, do you have a job to help pay for your gas and car insurance? These are ways you can start providing for yourself now in high school which is a gift to you, your parents, and can be to others as well. Learning about responsibility and the gift of work is valuable as you begin taking on more tasks in each season. Talk with your parents about their ideas on what works best for your family. Once you start being responsible for yourself, you can move towards using your work as a gift to others.

We have an opportunity to provide for others through the work we do. In fact, God wants us to care for the vulnerable. This looks different depending on your season, and it will change throughout your life as well. As a high schooler, you do have work to do, and God can use your efforts to bless others.

Read Ecclesiastes 3:9–15, Ecclesiastes 5, and 1 Corinthians 10:31.

  • How is your work a gift to you?
  • How is the work you’re doing benefiting others?
  • What is one responsibility you can take on at home that you aren’t doing currently?