Living a Small Life | Week 2 | What Are You Responsible For?

Living a Small Life | Week 2 | What Are You Responsible For?


In the movie Frozen II, Anna says you need to “do the next right thing.” (If you don’t know this reference, definitely look it up!) It can be tempting to jump ahead; however, we need to take the next right step. God commands us not to worry about anything, but rather pray about everything (Philippians 4:6). Often, we worry about things that are our concern instead of our responsibility. A responsibility is something we must do and have control over. Concerns include things that we cannot control and are not ultimately responsible for.

We have a responsibility to work. Practically, we must work to provide for ourselves—life is expensive. You may be financially responsible for some things now, and if you’re not, it’s coming. Rent, electricity, food, fun events—all of these things require money, and you must carry your weight. How can you shoulder that responsibility? You must get good enough at something to make enough money to live in this world. This requires skill, time, attention, and energy. In order to learn what you’re good at, you must start somewhere. The more you serve, work, and are involved in different things, the more you’ll learn about how God has wired you and what gifts he’s given you. Your community around you will affirm your God-given talents and gifts as you continue to exert yourself in many different types of work. As you learn more about what you’re good at, you’ll have opportunities not only to provide for yourself, but also for people around you.

God doesn’t reveal to us all we’ll do in our lives in one moment. We actually couldn’t handle it. This is evident in many stories in Scripture, some of which we will look at next week. You must start to identify what you are responsible for in your current season. Everyone has a different story, so don’t compare yourself to your friend, small group leader, or anyone else. Take a look at your specific situation—your background, if you have a job, if you drive, if you play sports or another activity. What are you trying to own that isn’t your responsibility? Or, are you neglecting something that is your responsibility? God calls us to be faithful with what’s right in front of us. We can trust and rest in the fact that he will prepare us for the future.

Read Philippians 4:6–9.

  • Based on this passage, what are you worried about or trying to control that is not your responsibility?
  • Do you lean towards putting off work or gaining approval or achievement through work?
  • How are you tempted to think about the future instead of focusing on and enjoying what’s right in front of you now?