Living a Small Life | Week 2 | The Creation of Work

Living a Small Life | Week 2 | The Creation of Work


When you think of “work,” what comes to mind? Is it a specific career or dream job? Or do you think about your current job? Work carries different weight for different people in different seasons of life.

Scripture tells us that we were created to work. That means that even as a high schooler, you have a responsibility to work. Every day, work is all around you—school, part time jobs, babysitting, serving in church, and even chores at home. It’s natural to feel burdened by some of the work that we are responsible for, but God has called us to be faithful with what he puts in front of us in different seasons of our lives.

God himself worked as he created the Heavens and the Earth over the course of six days. Afterwards, he looked over what he made and said it was good. Then, after that hard work, he rested on the seventh day (Genesis 1). He also gave mankind the ability and responsibility to work. The Creator gave the creation the ability to produce, build, and create. How cool is that?

God placed Adam in the garden to tend and watch over it. God also gave Adam the opportunity to name all the living creatures. Adam was given a specific job—to care for and tend to God’s world in a unique way.

We have work to do as well. Throughout this week, we will look at these big ideas:

  • Work isn’t always easy.
  • Work can be fruitful, and is a gift God has given us.
  • What work are you responsible for?

Each of these topics will help you understand the origin of work, identify tension you may feel with the work God has called you to, what blessings come from working, and what your responsibility is in your season of life.

God has designed work as an essential part of living on Earth and said that it is a good thing for us. As our Creator, he has given our work purpose and value. Are you willing to trust and believe God in his design for work?

Read Genesis 1–2.

  • What stands out to you about the creation story?
  • What kind of work do you enjoy? What work do you dislike? Why?
  • After working hard, what is your idea of rest? What helps you restore energy?
  • How does knowing that God sees work as a good thing change how you view work?