Esther | What You Need to Know

Esther | What You Need to Know

What You Need to Know

The book of Esther is unique in that throughout the entire story, God’s name is never mentioned. It’s a dramatic story, full of unexpected plot twists, seemingly random coincidences, and characters who rise and fall. Yet through all the chaos, God is at work behind the scenes, advancing his Redemption Plan to rescue his people in spite of their sinful choices. As you read the book of Esther, we invite you to look for all the ways God is working both in her story and in yours.


Susa, the capital of the Persian empire (a pagan nation)


In 597 BC, the Babylonians captured Judah. This was a consequence for the Jewish people’s unfaithfulness. They had rejected God and chosen a life of idol worship instead. In 539 BC, Persia conquered Babylon, which meant they also gained control of the Jewish nation. Thankfully, King Cyrus, the Persian King, was pretty tolerant of the Jews’ religious traditions, and he even allowed them to return to Jerusalem. However, a lot of Jews chose to stay in Persia anyways. This time, they willingly choose exile.


God’s provision Events that seem random or coincidental reveal God at work behind the scenes advancing his good purposes.

Human choices Esther did not choose to become queen, but she made bold choices that reflected faithfulness and obedience.

The tension of the “not yet” At the end of this story, God’s people will celebrate a victory, yet they will still be in captivity.



a young Jewish orphan girl who unexpectedly becomes queen

Mordecai Esther’s cousin; a man of influence and advocate of the Jews


the king; one of the most powerful men on earth at the time


one of the king’s officials; he hates the Jews and is hungry for power