Esther | The Downfall of the Prideful | Reflection

Esther | The Downfall of the Prideful | Reflection


This week, the plot in Esther’s story has taken some interesting turns. Haman’s downfall and Queen Esther’s intercession on behalf of her people go hand in hand. Although God’s name is not mentioned, he is clearly at work behind the scenes. As readers, we can learn two things about our relation to God.

First, God is paying attention to our actions. There are real consequences for our sinfulness, and having discernment in our decisions is important. Haman was an impulsive person who made poor choices because he wanted to protect his own pride. His desire for comfort and praise ended up being his downfall. It’s important for us to remember that God is always watching, and while we might think we are in control, ultimately, no one can control or predict the consequences of their sins.

Secondly, God is always moving and working in unique ways even when we don’t understand what he is doing. In Esther’s story, many events seem like random coincidence—the king is restless one night and he happens to read a story that made him want to honor Mordecai. What looks random in the story is actually God’s sovereign hand at work.

Do you ever find yourself tempted to believe God isn’t paying any attention? Maybe you are praying for direction about something and feel like the right thing isn’t clear. Maybe you are going through a really hard season where you have been praying for someone you love and God isn’t answering the way you want him to. Or, maybe you are in a season where consequences of your own sin have caused you to feel like God is distant and uncaring. The story of Esther might come as an encouragement to some—God is present and working, even when you can’t see him. It also might come as a wake up call for others—our sin has consequences and we are only fooling ourselves if we think that we can get away with it forever.

  1. Is the story of Esther more of an encouragement or a wake-up call to you? How so?
  2. Think of a time when you felt like God was distant. Looking back, how can you see he was actually working things out even when you didn’t see/feel it?

God at Work in My Story

In the story of Esther, God is never mentioned, but even in a pagan society being led by a non-believing king, God is still in control and all things work out according to his purposes.

Spend some time reflecting on and writing down moments in your life when you have seen God’s faithfulness. Even when it seemed like everything was out of control, God was still in charge and working things out according to his purpose.

How does this impact your view of God? How have these moments impacted your relationship and your dependence on God?