Armor of God | Week 7 | Isaiah 49:2

Armor of God | Week 7 | Isaiah 49:2


He made my words of judgment as sharp as a sword.

He has hidden me in the shadow of his hand.

I am like a sharp arrow in his quiver.


Paul wraps up this passage in Ephesians by focusing on the importance of prayer. He calls believers to pray constantly and to pray for one another. The prayer and alertness Paul describes are essential for standing firm against the enemy’s attacks. He mentions praying “in the Spirit;” the Holy Spirit prays on our behalf and empowers us to stand firm in truth. Finally, Paul asks his readers to pray for him too. But notice that he doesn’t ask them to pray for respite or easier circumstances, or even freedom from the chains that bind him. He asks them to pray for the right words to say and for BOLDNESS to preach the gospel! Why is prayer essential in standing firm in our faith in Christ?

Spend a few minutes reflecting on what you’ve learned through this study of Ephesians 6 and writing out a prayer to God, thanking him for his Word and asking him to help you put on his armor.