Work in a Fallen World with Jeremy Straley


In season one, episode two, Chris Rivers and Jeremy Straley, a member of Grace Church's Powdersville campus, discuss the vital role of work in the life of a man. They explore how work can be used to reflect the image of God and the challenge of staying the course when work becomes difficult.


Download Episode 2 Study Questions and then share, listen, and discuss in a one on one conversation or with a group of men.


  • In what ways do you feel work is a reflection of God’s character? How do you feel about the responsibility God has given men to work?
  • How did early life experiences and the examples set by the men in your life (father, relatives, boss, etc.) affect the way you view work?
  • What are the greatest challenges you face when it comes to honoring God in your work? Are you quick to look for a way out when circumstances become frustrating or difficult? Do you tend to undervalue or overvalue work?
  • Do you have a network of at least three men you can talk to about serious issues that you trust to objectively evaluate areas of weakness in your life?


  • God’s character is to work. We see this from the very beginning. As men, created in the image of God, we are made to work. We are made to build, cultivate, and achieve. It gives purpose to our lives, and it is one of the primary ways we reflect God to the world.
  • Jeremy shared how the early loss of his parents afforded him a “free pass” in life. Because he had been through so much, he was never held accountable or required to bear weight. He learned how to skate through life and manipulate his way out of anything difficult. This theme carried on throughout his life—smart/capable enough to get in, but not diligent enough to finish well.
  • Jeremy’s participation in the Men’s Roundtable study, “A Man and His Work,” allowed him to recognize patterns of avoidance in his work life. He was tempted to quit, leave things undone, or look for a better opportunity when circumstances got difficult. Jeremy learned the real challenge, when faced with these situations, was to dig in, work through the frustration, and see it through.
  • It is okay to not be happy 100% of the time at work. Even when work is hard, men are built in the image of God and are called to bear fruit through their work. Having the accountability of other men is paramount to staying the course. Men can find ways to get into proximity with other godly men by serving, joining an MRT study, plugging into a community group, etc. By inviting other men to speak truth into their lives, men will be shaped to be more like Christ and to better reflect his image in the work they do.


Work willingly at whatever you do, as though working for the Lord rather than people. Colossians 3:23


A Man and His Work Study: This teaching can be found at:

Join a Men’s Roundtable study by finding a campus near you and register for Authentic Manhood at:

If you know a man who would benefit from hearing this episode, share it with him. Having intentional conversations around these principles is a great way to disciple and help others move towards Christ.

Have questions or want us to discuss a topic? Email us at: [email protected].

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