Hiding in Plain Sight with Taylor Hall


In season one, episode fourteen, Chris Rivers, Scott Beardsley, and Taylor Hall, a member of Grace Church’s Pelham campus, discuss the desire to hide and manage sin to avoid being fully known and the freedom that comes when we expose our brokenness.


Download Episode 14 Study Questions and then share, listen, and discuss in a one-on-one conversation or with a group of men.


  • Can you identify with the concept of a “misplaced identity?” Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you were hiding aspects of who you really were to earn approval or avoid criticism?
  • What was your experience with church growing up? Did you feel freedom to ask hard questions and expose areas of brokenness, or did you feel the need to try and manage your sin to avoid judgment?
  • What holds you back from being vulnerable and honest with the people around you? Are there areas of your life where you still feel the need to hide? How might this be impeding your spiritual growth?
  • Where are you currently serving and pouring yourself out for others? Does this role require a level of vulnerability? In what ways?


  • Taylor took a job at Grace as a worship and video director after finishing college. Admittedly, he was not in a good place and was experiencing a season of misplaced identity. His prior church experiences and the rigid rules-based paradigm he was exposed to had left him jaded and confused. He grew up trying to hide his sin and the questions he had for fear of being judged or shamed. Taylor was becoming weary of trying to “manage” his sin and maintain a facade of control.
  • The church context at Grace was different from Taylor’s previous experiences. He was immediately met with love, acceptance, and a genuine desire from others to know him. He was surprised by the level of vulnerability and honesty among the people he met. Taylor was initially turned off by this display. He had become so used to hiding and manipulating his circumstances to create the image he wanted others to see, letting people in was difficult.
  • As God began working in Taylor’s life, he was able to recognize the walls he had built and how they were impeding his personal and spiritual growth. He slowly began to release control and open himself up to the people around him. With this new level of vulnerability, Taylor was able to accept corrective criticism from others. He was able to expose his weaknesses and find freedom from hiding. He joined a re:gen group where he came face to face with his sin and learned the value of trusting God over having control.
  • Taylor’s transformation gave him a desire to help others. He wanted to have intentional conversations. He recognized how honesty, community, and sharing with others was becoming more natural for him. He began to pray for opportunities to connect with and pour into the lives of those around him. God opened the door for Taylor to serve as a student re:gen leader. This experience allowed him to share some of his previous struggles and model honesty and vulnerability for the young men in his group. He learned the art of asking good questions and helping students identify the core issues that may be hindering growth in their lives.


Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than people. Colossians 3:23


Learn more about the re:gen ministry at Grace Church by visiting: https://gracechurchsc.org/regen

Join a Men’s Roundtable study by finding a campus near you and register for Authentic Manhood by visiting: gracechurchsc.org/mrt

If you know a man that would benefit from hearing this episode, share it with him. Having intentional conversations around these principles is a great way to disciple and help others move towards Christ.

Have questions or want us to discuss a topic? Email us at: [email protected]

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