Fighting the Battleground of Pride with Alex Borges


In season one, episode twelve, Chris Rivers, Ben Temple, and Alex Borges, a member of Grace Church’s Downtown campus, discuss how pride and a desire to control our circumstances often prevents us from moving and experiencing the fullness God has for our lives.

Download Episode 12 Study Questions and then share, listen, and discuss in a one on one conversation or with a group of men.


  • Has God ever led you to serve in a role where the details were ambiguous or unclear? Was this difficult for you? Why or why not?
  • What did this experience teach you about yourself? Teach you about God? What idols did it reveal in your life? What unexpected blessings did you receive from this experience?
  • If you have not served in a role that stretched you in some way or made you aware of your need for God, what is preventing you from taking that next step?
  • Alex mentioned two challenging questions: What am I spending my time on? Who actually depends on me? How would you answer these questions? Are you passive towards those in need around you? In what ways are you pouring yourself out for others?


  • Alex moved to Greenville in 2013 and began attending Grace. He admits it took him a while to get plugged in, and he struggled to find an area to serve. He originally wanted to work with the transitional program at Miracle Hill, hoping he could use his strengths and abilities to help teenagers transition into adulthood. While this opportunity never transpired, a position at the Boy’s Shelter became available. Alex wanted to pour himself out, but realized he could not dictate exactly what that would look like, so he got in touch with the volunteer coordinator at the Boy’s Shelter and decided to move forward.
  • At first, the situation at the Boy’s Shelter was somewhat messy. Alex struggled with the lack of structure and the feeling that he was not being effective. But he kept coming each week, looking for opportunities to connect with the boys at the shelter. One week he decided to teach them how to prepare a meal. Alex has a love for cooking and creating healthy dishes, and felt this might be a skill that would benefit the boys and create an opportunity to build relational capital. This idea took off and before long Alex had a team of 9 volunteers from Grace helping with meal preparation on a weekly basis. Alex and his team were able to cook alongside the boys and prepare meals 50 out of 52 weeks.
  • Alex received many unexpected blessings from his experience at the Boy’s Shelter. During this process, he met his future wife. She served as a volunteer with him at the shelter. They began dating and eventually married. As a result of their time serving, they both developed a heart for foster care. They began the paperwork to become foster parents and shortly after, they found out the boy’s shelter was closing. They had developed a strong bond with a teenage boy at the shelter named Brandon and knew he was meant to join their family. Brandon was placed in their home in December of 2020.
  • Through this experience, Alex was able to recognize idols of impatience and pride. His impatience played out in his desire to get plugged in at Grace in the timing and in the way he wanted. His pride and desire to control his circumstances were revealed as he faced ambiguity in his serving role. Alex found himself in a situation where could not rely on himself for answers. By taking the small incremental steps God placed before him, Alex was able to fully depend on God and watch the Holy Spirit work in his life.


Anyone who wants to serve me must follow me, because my servants must be where I am. And the Father will honor anyone who serves me. John 12:26

For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. Genesis 5:13


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