Discovering the Real Source of Power with Jacob Cook


In season one, episode six, Chris Rivers and Jacob Cook, a member of Grace Church’s Downtown Campus, discuss what it means to be an Authentic Man. They talk about how Jacob’s understanding of responsibility and the force of community in his life broke his relentless pursuit of “power” and “importance.”

Download Episode 6 Study Questions and then share, listen, and discuss in a one on one conversation or with a group of men.


  • Is there anything you are doing that is causing you to rely on your own strength instead of God’s strength? If so, what next steps could you take to move towards God in that area?
  • In what ways do you personally struggle with passivity and self-reliance?
  • Where have you seen God’s power manifested in your life or the life of another authentic man? What stands out to you about the change that you have experienced or have observed in someone else?
  • What does Biblical community look like for you? Read Galatians 6:1-3 and Acts 2:42-43 and share some key ideas that stand out to you in those two passages. Where do you need to move in this area?


  • We can be doing all the right things but still feel empty. Jacob realized his heart was not where it needed to be and he was relying on his own strength. All of his attempts at gaining power were to bring glory to himself, not God.
  • Most men tend towards passivity or self-reliance. Self-reliance creeps in when we try to be responsible for everything in our own power and try to manage things we are not really responsible for.
  • The only way to be truly powerful is by allowing God to be powerful through us. When we give him control, it leads to life change and maturity in our walk with Christ.
  • When we spread ourselves too thin and try to be responsible for all of the people and situations around us, we miss the opportunity to be truly known by others. This aspect of community is crucial in our growth as men and as believers.


Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Psalms 37:4 NLT


Men’s Roundtable: This teaching can be found at:

Marriage Matters: This teaching can be found at:

Bridge: Information about this ministry can be found at:

Kairos: Summer internship information can be found at:

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