An Overview of the New Authentic Manhood Study with Scofield Foster


In season one, episode three, Chris Rivers and Scofield Foster discuss a new study that launched at Grace Church in April 2021 called Authentic Manhood. They explore some of the topics and share what men can expect to learn from this study.


Download Episode 3 Study Questions and then share, listen, and discuss in a one on one conversation or with a group of men.


  • If you have taken a Men’s Roundtable study, how was it most impactful for you? How did it change your perspective or move you towards action?
  • Are you familiar with the concepts of being responsible for, moving towards, and depending on? What would this look like if applied in your own life?
  • How do you see evidence of a perversion of this calling in our culture? Where do we see passivity and self-reliance in the men around us?
  • If you have not taken Authentic Manhood, would you commit to taking this study at your campus or with a small group of men at your church?


  • Scofield shared the tremendous impact Men’s Roundtable had in his life. He shared how his experiences participating in these studies, coupled with the influence of several godly men who challenged him in his faith, led him on a path towards becoming a more spiritually powerful man.
  • In April 2021, Grace Church launched an updated version of one of the Men’s Roundtable Studies, Authentic Manhood. Previously titled Quest for Authentic Manhood, this study addresses the God-given responsibilities of a man. In addition to being responsible for the people and situations God brings into their lives, men are to move towards what God has made them responsible for and depend on God as their source of strength. This study addresses the distinct calling on the lives of men and the perversion of these principles that often leads to sins of passivity and self-reliance.
  • The content for this study is very similar to the previous version with some updated language and examples. Other noted changes include:
    • Shortening the content from nine sessions to seven sessions to make it more accessible and user friendly
    • Adding the topic of sexuality wounds and the impact of sexual brokenness.
  • The seven sessions for Authentic Manhood are:
    • Creation and Definition of Manhood
    • Effects of the Fall: Fear, Shame, and Frustration
    • Father Wound
    • Mother Wound
    • Sexuality Wound
    • Redeeming Masculinity
    • Living Out Redeemed Masculinity


Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good. Genesis 1:31


Authentic Manhood and Quest for Purity: This teaching can be found at:

Join a Men’s Roundtable study by finding a campus near you and register for Authentic Manhood at:

If you know a man who would benefit from hearing this episode, share it with him. Having intentional conversations around these principles is a great way to disciple and help others move towards Christ.

Have questions or want us to discuss a topic? Email us at: [email protected].

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