
At Grace Church, we believe everything we have, including our money, comes from God, and how we steward what he has entrusted to us is a discipleship issue (Matthew 6:21). We live in a consumer culture that vies not only for our money but also our hearts. As believers, we ought to be on guard and regularly evaluate ourselves, through God’s Word and in biblical community, to determine if we are using our finances in wise, God-honoring ways (Matthew 6:24). Whether you are facing the crushing weight of debt or experiencing a season of abundance, the resources below provide tools and methods to help you cultivate a biblical view of money, practice discipline in your finances, find ways to be Courageously Generous, and use your resources for God’s Kingdom.



Why is it so important to be generous? How much money do I need to save? Does my lifestyle truly honor the Lord? How do I get started with budgeting and planning? All these questions and more are addressed in Money Matters—a class designed to help participants renew their mindset concerning personal finance, become faithful stewards of the resources God has given them, and bring him glory through their money as well as their lives. We hope you’ll join us for seven weeks of biblical community as we address how to combat worldliness and materialism and handle money God’s way.

Interested in serving with Money Matters? Check out this sample session, and send us an email at [email protected] to learn more about serving opportunities.

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money matters
The Why Behind Discipleship Podcast Cover Image

Why is Generosity a Discipleship Issue

Why are financial conversations so hard? What are we missing by not talking about generosity as it r

Choices Banner


Three-part series Matt Williams

2 Corinthians

God of Provision

2 Corinthians 9:1-17

Parables of Jesus Series Graphic

The Rich Fool

Luke 12



Right Now Media

We have recently partnered with a new ministry called RightNow Media, which offers free access to an online library of over 10,000 video Bible studies, leadership videos, and kids shows. To get access to these great resources, create an account below!