In different seasons of our lives we may find ourselves struggling with difficulties and realize that we need a little help to press on. As an equipping church, Grace Church views the struggles of our lives as discipleship opportunities—experiences that allow us to grow even in the midst of our pain. In providing different care ministries, we seek to provide environments where you can not only find the strength “to make it” but also move forward to a better place in your life and relationship with Jesus.
We believe discipleship happens best when we invite God’s Word and God’s people to speak into our lives with the intent of life change. Discipleship at Grace looks different depending on your season of life and particular needs. Whether you are in a re:gen group, Grief Support group, or taking a men’s or women’s study, we desire all of our members to invest time and energy each week into gathering with other believers for the purpose of spiritual growth.
At Grace Church, we believe everything we have, including our money, comes from God, and how we steward what he has entrusted to us is a discipleship issue (Matthew 6:21). As believers, we ought to be on guard and regularly evaluate ourselves, through God’s Word and in biblical community, to determine if we are using our finances in wise, God-honoring ways (Matthew 6:24).
Equipping young leaders to serve Christ with integrity and excellence is a high calling. At Grace Church, there are internship seasons available for high school, college, and recently graduated college students to devote a season of time to spiritual growth and self-discovery through service and study. These internships are available for any student who desires to grow in their understanding of Jesus, the church, and their role as a part of Christ’s Kingdom.
The mission of Grace Church Kids is to assist parents in leading their children toward a gospel-centered life, equip volunteers to shepherd children, and encourage children to grow in Christ by teaching them biblical truths in meaningful ways.
Marriage was God’s idea. The Bible begins with a marriage and ends with a wedding feast. And throughout Scripture, marriage is described as a gift from God to mirror his image. God designed man and woman with purpose, and his design for them together is equally intentional. Their bodies fit together to accomplish procreation, and their relationship was to be a reflection of God’s relationship with his bride, the Church.
We believe God created men to “move” — to step into the important areas of their lives and make a difference. Too many men feel paralyzed. And many men don’t feel equipped to be spiritually powerful men. At Grace, we are absolutely committed to helping you thrive as a godly man.
The Bible is clear that we need one another to grow in faith and experience life change. Mentoring is one way we seek to come alongside each other, especially during seasons that may seem isolating or daunting. We have multiple opportunities for adults and students to find a mentor or to be equipped to mentor something else.
At Grace Church, outreach is centered on our core value of being culturally engaged. Through engaging our neighbors locally and internationally, we can strategically create relationships that provide opportunities to disciple our members, share the gospel, and care for those in need.
Mosaic is a discipleship ministry that seeks to equip and disciple children, students, and adults with disabilities into the life of our church.
Grace Church Students exists to move our students toward spiritual maturity and growth in their relationship with Jesus Christ through pursuing God, connecting with the church, and engaging the world. We believe that students have a strategic impact to make on our community. As such, we desire to provide students with unique opportunities to transition into partnering contributors of the local church.
We believe God made all women with a distinct capacity to bring strength and aid to those in need. Yet so many women aren’t living in the fullness of God’s calling on their lives. Too many women view godly femininity as weakness and subservience or equate identity and God’s design with specific roles like wife or mother. We are committed to helping you flourish as a godly woman, regardless of a role you play.
We sing and worship as a way of celebrating the person and the work of God. He alone is worthy of our praise. We value corporate singing and choose songs that are based in God’s Word but also written in a way that is singable for entire congregations.