Welcome to
Grace Church

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New to Grace Church? We are honored that you would consider being our guest. We are a family of local congregations in the Upstate, and we would love to meet you and worship with you this weekend.

Gathering as a church body for weekend services is an integral part of how we pursue discipleship. Weekly worship includes a variety of elements including teaching, singing, prayer, stories of life change, baptism, and communion. Listen to Founding Pastor Matt Williams share a vision of the overarching mission and purpose of Grace Church.

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Discovery is an orientation to our church that helps provide clarity around who we are, our mission, and our belief in the local church. Talking through our mission and distinctives will provide you with a good picture of how we engage in discipleship at Grace. Discovery is also the starting point for you to connect at Grace Church through serving and community.

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Women attending discovery at Taylors


across the Upstate

Because we believe in the value of local church, we have several campuses located throughout the Upstate. We want you to be able to attend church where you live, and we desire to support our local communities in meaningful and tangible ways. Check out our campus pages to learn more about the campus nearest you.


Is Grace Church affiliated with a denomination?

Grace Church is a non-denominational church, meaning we aren't affiliated with a larger governing denomination. All decisions affecting the spiritual direction of the church are made by the board of elders. We can be succinctly described as an evangelical church dedicated to accurate teaching and application of the Bible.

Who is your senior pastor?

Because Grace Church believes in the plurality of leadership, we do not have a senior pastor. As such, all decisions regarding the spiritual direction of the church and major financial and physical decisions are made by the board of elders. The board of elders executes decisions in plurality, meaning that all must agree, or a decision is tabled. Decisions, as they relate to the everyday function of the church, are made by the staff leadership in accordance with the spiritual direction set forth by the board of elders. Decisions are not made by vote of the church body, however, input and concerns are always welcome and considered.

Why We Don’t Have a Senior Pastor

How are elders elected and replaced?

There is no set number of elders, and the current board is always praying and considering additional elders as the church continues to grow. New elders are selected by the current board of elders, and the church body has an opportunity, prior to ordination of a new elder, to bring forth reasonable concern or agreement with the qualifications of the proposed elder. Once ordained, an elder remains on the board as long as he has a heart for eldership, effectively fulfills his responsibilities, and adheres to the qualifications of an elder set forth in 1 Timothy 3:2–7 and Titus 1:6–9.

Why are there multiple teachers at Grace Church?

Grace Church has a teaching team structure. Matt Williams—the founding pastor—and Bill White share the majority of the teaching responsibilities. However, there are several others, including campus pastors, who teach from time to time based on their spiritual gift in teaching and the subject matter.

How do I get connected at Grace Church?

The first step to getting involved is taking Discovery. Upon completion of Discovery, you can enroll in Foundations. Foundations offers the opportunity to become a covenant member, and you will be introduced to various forms of church-based discipleship, including groups and studies. If you have any additional questions, please contact us at [email protected].

Do women fill leadership roles at Grace Church?

Women fill vital ministry roles in the work of God at Grace Church, including member care, women’s ministry, children’s ministry, and student ministry. Nearly all community groups are led by couples. Our staff also includes many women in roles that oversee and shape our ministries.

What is Grace Church's stance on baptism?

We believe that baptism is commanded for followers of Christ, but do not believe that the act of baptism is assurance of salvation in any way. We support a “believer’s baptism,” in which a person makes a decision to follow Jesus Christ and publicly professes this through baptism and testimony. We practice baptism by immersion because it is the example given to us in the New Testament. We do not prevent members from observing other forms of baptism; however, we do not practice them in our services.
