Current Job

Facilities Cleaner


20 - 25 Hours

Overall Responsibilities

Support the facilities staff by ensuring spaces are clean and ready for evening and weekend events as well as upkeep of staff spaces and normal operation.

Specific Responsibilities

  • Ensure all spaces are cleaned appropriately in preparation for the staff work week. 

  • Working alongside the facility team to ensure that spaces are ready for ministry to happen including cleaning, setup, and the proper items are in the room. 

  • Carry campus keys and a radio with you during working hours. These will be provided by the church. 

  • Own the cause in that if you see an area of concern, to include a broken restroom 
fixture etc., submit a facilities request so that the appropriate person is informed and the 
issue can be fixed in a timely manner. 

  • Complete light setups as needed 

  • At the discretion of the facility logistics manager assist with scheduled maintenance 
such as setting thermostats weekly, light bulb checks and fire extinguisher inspections. 


  • Relational

  • Good communication skills

  • Licensed to drive

  • Ability to lift 40 pounds on your own
